Zoo Aquarium or Sanctuary

Fay, C., Miller, L. 2015. Utilizing scents as environmental enrichment: Preference assessment and application with Rothschild giraffe. Animal Behavior and Cognition 2(3), 285–291.

Zoological institutions use environmental enrichment to increase opportunities for animals to engage in species-appropriate behavior. In these facilities, enrichment for giraffe typically consists of different types of feeders to increase the percentage of time spent...

Farnsworth, K. D., Elwood, R. W. 2023. Why it hurts: With freedom comes the biological need for pain. Animal Cognition 26(4), 1259–1275.

We argue that pain is not needed to protect the body from damage unless the organism is able to make free choices in action selection. Then pain (including its affective and evaluative aspects) provides a...