Farm & Stable

Anderson, M. G., Johnson, A. M., Jacobs, L. et al. 2023. Influence of perch-provision timing on anxiety and fearfulness in laying hens. Animals 13(19), 3003.

Perches can enhance laying hen welfare, but their effectiveness might be age-dependent. We investigated early and late perch access effects on anxiety and fear in pullets through attention bias (AB) and tonic immobility (TI) tests...

Alvarado, M. V., Felip, A., Espigares, F. et al. 2023. Unexpected appetitive events promote positive affective state in juvenile European sea bass. Scientific Reports 13(1), 22064.

Some animal species exhibit considerable physiological and behavioural alterations in response to captivity. It has been hypothesized, but rarely tested, that such changes reflect a negative affective state that is associated to this specific context...

Zhang, H., Zhu, B., Yu, L. et al. 2022. Shelter color selection of juvenile swimming crabs (Portunus trituberculatus). Fishes 7(5), 296.

Color preference testing for animals is a prerequisite for optimizing facilities and ensuring animal welfare in aquaculture. Swimming crabs (Portunus trituberculatus) are aggressive, and shelters are often installed in ponds to reduce the high mortality...

Smith, L. A., Swain, D. L., Innocent, G. T. et al. 2023. Social isolation of unfamiliar cattle by groups of familiar cattle. Behavioural Processes 207, 104847.

Domestic herbivores show a strong motivation to form associations with conspecifics and the social dynamics of any group is dependant on the individuals within the group. Thus, common farm management practices such mixing may cause...

Lecorps, B., Woodroffe, R. E., von Keyserlingk, M. A. G. et al. 2023. Hunger affects cognitive performance of dairy calves. Biology Letters 19(1), 20220475.

Hunger remains a significant animal welfare concern as restricted feeding practices are common on farms. Studies to date have focused on negative effects on health and productivity but little research has addressed the feeling of...