Other Nonhuman Primate

Steen, Z. 1995. Effects of enriched food acquisition on activity budgets of two tamarin species at Adelaide Zoo. International Zoo News 42, 284-298.

Simple bamboo pipe feeder is described and tested in group-housed animals. The aim of the study was to [successfully] increase foraging time with an increasing number of feeding devices [brawn bowl, bamboo pipe]. ... Prior...

Reinhardt, V. 1997. Species-adequate housing and handling conditions for Old World nonhuman primates kept in research institut

Practical recommendations to address five basic characteristics of Old World primates in the laboratory setting: a) social disposition, b) semi-arboreal lifestyle, c) complex living environment, d) intelligence, e) sensitivity to distress.

Reinhardt, V. 1997. Training nonhuman primates to cooperate during handling procedures: A review. Animal Technology 48, 55-73.

Twenty-six reports provide detailed information of how primates can be trained to voluntarily cooperate - rather than resist - during blood collection, injection, topical drug application, blood pressure measurement, urine collection, and capture.

Reinhardt, V., Roberts, A. 1997. Effective feeding enrichment for non-human primates: A brief review. Animal Welfare 6(3), 265-272.

There is a growing awareness that non-human primates kept in zoos and laboratories deserve more species-appropriate stimulation because of their biological adaptation to a challenging environment. Numerous attempts have been made to effectively emulate the...