Reinhardt, V. 1994. Pair-housing rather than single-housing for laboratory rhesus macaques. Journal of Medical Primatology 23(8), 426-431.

Two different pair formation options for adult female and male rhesus macaques are described and tested: Pairing adults with adults of the same sex after establishment of dominance-subordination relationships during a noncontact familiarization period, and pairing adults with naturally weaned, surplus infants. The incidence of serious injury resulting from partner incompatibility was 0.7% (2/272) during the first year after pair formation. Adult pairs were compatible throughout one-year in 88% of 77 female pairs, and in 80% of 20 male pairs. Adult-infant pairs were compatible in 92% of 15 male-infant pairs, and in 94% in 65 female-infant pairs.
