
AWI Quarterly Articles | Animals in Laboratories

Please see the below articles about Animals in Laboratories from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


A Primate Dealer’s Pitiful Con

Envelopes with white powder and a threatening message were sent to two people associated with Matthew Block, founder of Worldwide Primates, which imports primates for experimentation. One went to Block’s mother, the other to a...

Baboon Breakout at Biomedical Lab

Four baboons housed in an outdoor corral escaped from the Texas Biomedical Research Institute (TBRI) by using a 55-gallon barrel to scale the enclosure. The clever monkeys had pulled the barrel upright, next to the...

Killing Oversight via the Cures Act

A law passed in 2016—the 21st Century Cures Act—has given the research industry the opening that it has sought to reduce oversight of the treatment of animals. This law requires a review of all regulations...

Caregivers in Research Say Animals Calmed by Conversation

A LAREF Discussion This past December on AWI’s Laboratory Animal Refinement and Enrichment Forum (LAREF), a question posed by Erik Moreau prompted a discussion on whether talking to animals in a laboratory setting helps reduce...

Refinement Grants Available to Improve Laboratory Animal Welfare

AWI congratulates the most recent Refinement Grant recipients: Angelika Rehrig , University of Rochester, “Assessing Food Preference and Reinforcer Effectiveness in Laboratory Macaques: A Refinement for Positive Reinforcement Training.” Using a multiple stimulus without replacement...

The Magic of Touch

Intriguing studies and arresting anecdotes fill the pages of the new second edition of The Magic of Touch: Healing Effects of Animal Touch & Animal Presence, by Viktor and Annie Reinhardt.

AWI Sheds Further Light on USDA Site Scrub

AWI’s latest analysis of the enormous number of vital animal welfare records still missing from the US Department of Agriculture’s website reveals that, following the Contender Farms v. USDA lawsuit involving plaintiffs associated with the...

Happy Home for Rescued Beagles

In 2010, nearly 200 dogs and over 50 cats were saved from a North Carolina animal testing facility, after an undercover investigation exposed callous treatment and even malicious abuse of the animals by laboratory personnel...