
AWI Quarterly Articles | Animals in Laboratories

Please see the below articles about Animals in Laboratories from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


No Bored Bunnies: Environmental Enrichment for Rabbits in Research

The following email discussion took place on the Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum in February 2016. Submissions by Carey Allen, Evelyn Skoumbourdis, Jacqueline Schwartz, Jennie Lofgren, Jennifer Defosses, Kristina Carter, Leslie Jenkins, Lorraine Bell...

Voracious Science and Vulnerable Animals

“I slowly became conscious of the animals’ point of view and recognized that much of what I was doing as a scientist did not square with my own moral standards.” The reader hasn’t gotten far...

Examining Environmental Enrichment and Response to Stress

A new, enhanced environment can give animals an opportunity to explore and interact. However, when animals are presented with these novel environments, they can be conflicted, with fear of the novelty opposing an instinctual desire...

Scientists Must Step Up After USDA Comes Down on SCBT

As the previous AWI Quarterly was going to press, we received the stunning news of a USDA settlement with Santa Cruz Biotechnology (SCBT) with respect to allegations of repeated and egregious violations of the Animal...