
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Flu Outbreak Fells Wild Horses in Holding Facility

Since April, over 140 wild horses have died from influenza exacerbated by a bacterial infection at a Colorado holding facility in Cañon City in what is thought to be the largest disease outbreak in the...

COVID-19 Mink Variant Infecting Humans

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has now confirmed four cases of humans infected with a variant of the coronavirus originating in farmed mink during an outbreak in Eaton County, Michigan, in late 2020...

Red Wolf Births Boost Chances for Species

As spring brought budding trees and new shoots to Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina, it also brought renewed hope for the survival of the red wolf, the most critically endangered canid in...

Hearing Held on Big Cat Public Safety Act

The Big Cat Public Safety Act (HR 263/S 1210) received a hearing in the House Natural Resources Committee on May 12. This bill would prohibit private ownership of big cats and outlaw direct public contact...

Effort to End Killing Contests on Public Lands

In April, the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act (HR 7398) was introduced in the House by Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) to bar organizing, sponsoring, conducting, or participating in most types of wildlife killing contests on...

Bill Seeks Ban on Wild Horse Helicopter Roundups

Earlier this year, footage of a Bureau of Land Management roundup in Nevada captured a horrifying and tragic incident where a young colt’s leg snapped in half as he was being relentlessly chased by a...

Eagles Poisoned at High Rates by Lead Ammunition

A recently published study in the journal Science (Slabe et al., 2022) documented alarmingly high levels of lead in bald and golden eagle populations across the United States. Nearly half of the animals tested from...

Finding the Mother Tree

To care about animal welfare is to care about the environment in which animals live. In Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest, Dr. Suzanne Simard puts it simply: “Mistreatment of one...

Living Planet

In Living Planet: The Web of Life on Earth—a fully updated edition of Sir David Attenborough’s 1984 book that accompanied the BBC’s Living Planet documentary series—the famed naturalist takes readers on a journey through the...