
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Preventing Pandemics, Protecting Wildlife

Language from the AWI-endorsed Preventing Future Pandemics Act (PFPA) was successfully adopted as an amendment to the House-passed version of the National Defense Authorization Act. The PFPA recognizes the urgent need for a global approach...

AWI Aids Ape Sanctuaries

This summer, AWI funded sanctuaries in three countries that provide care to great apes rescued from a variety of cruel circumstances and give them a second chance at a life worth living. We helped Jeunes...

Bringing an End to Bear-Bile Farming in Vietnam

AWI recently provided substantial financial support to help the nonprofit Animals Asia construct a second bear sanctuary in Vietnam, primarily to house Asiatic black bears rescued from bear-bile farming. Although Vietnam outlawed bear-bile extraction in...

Study Examines Pandemic Potential of Climate Change

COVID-19—the most recent example of a zoonotic pathogen causing a global pandemic—continues to claim human lives, even as vaccines and other strategies return us to some semblance of normalcy. However, as many as 10,000 other...

Our Great National Parks

During his time in office, Barack Obama protected more natural habitat than any president in history. His conservation ethos is on full display in Our Great National Parks, a Netflix docuseries he hosts. Through compelling...

A World on the Wing

In rich detail, A World on the Wing: The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds unveils the captivating world of migratory birds, the threats they face, and the scientists and conservationists who strive to protect them...

New Hope to Solve an Old Threat for Hawaiian Birds

by Chris Farmer, PhD, Hawai‘i Program Director, American Bird Conservancy, and Lisa “Cali” Crampton, PhD, Project Leader, Kaua‘i Forest Bird Recovery Project The Hawaiian Islands are full of astounding beauty and an incredible diversity of...