
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Lions and Tigers and Backyards, Oh No

On September 26, AWI participated in a Capitol Hill briefing on H.R. 4122, the Big Cat and Public Safety Protection Act, which Reps. Buck McKeon (R-NC) and Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) introduced in response to the...

Failing the American Lion

Mountain lions were once acknowledged as great hunters and revered as symbols of bravery and strength. But as Europeans settled across the continent, the indigenous peoples’ respect was replaced with fear. Mountain lions were perceived...

Sierra Club Condemns Body-Gripping Traps

On May 19, 2012, the Sierra Club national board of directors adopted a new “Policy on Trapping of Wildlife.” The policy is perhaps the strongest statement issued to date by the 110-year-old organization in condemnation...

Scotts Reaps Record Fine for Sowing Toxic Bird Seed

The ScottsMiracle-Gro Company was ordered in September to pay $12.5 million in civil and criminal fines and perform community service in connection with eleven criminal violations of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

Live Trade Shortens Lizard Lives

Endangered animals are being scooped up in alarming numbers to serve as pets. Many of them, sadly, do not long survive the transition into captivity.

Shots in the Dark Undermine Red Wolf Recovery

Only about 100 or so wild red wolves ( Canis rufus ) are known to exist—all in eastern North Carolina, where a population was reintroduced in 1987 from a captive-breeding program after the species went...

Rare Species Getting Caught in the Web

Conservation organizations are warning that the Internet is driving unprecedented levels of illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife parts—$7.8 to $10 billion annually, according to the research group, Global Financial Integrity.

The Last Great Ape

The Last Great Ape: A Journey Through Africa and a Fight for the Heart of the Continent, by Ofir Drori and David McDannald, chronicles the path of Ofir, an adventure seeker who leaves his Israeli...