
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Court Rules Against Indiana Penning Operation

AWI, Project Coyote, and the Animal Legal Defense Fund obtained a default ruling in December declaring that the possession of coyotes by WCI Foxhound Training Preserve, a penning facility in Linton, Indiana, is unlawful.

Coyote Hunt Halted in Red Wolf Territory

Since the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) approved a temporary rule in August 2012 to allow night hunting of coyotes in the state, at least nine critically endangered red wolves have been shot. This...

Elephant Ivory Trade in the US

In the article beginning on page 6, we discuss the unrelenting slaughter of African elephants for their ivory. In the United States, import of African elephant ivory has been prohibited—via the African Elephant Conservation Act—...

Detecting Hellbenders Using eDNA in Samples of Stream Water

The eastern hellbender is a large, aquatic salamander that historically occurred throughout much of the eastern United States. Research has suggested that once abundant hellbenders, which eat crayfish and live under rocks in cool, clear...