
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


States and Cities Opting Out of Circus Animal Acts

Two states and several local governments joined a growing list of jurisdictions acting on behalf of wild and exotic animals exploited by circuses and other traveling exhibitions this past year. In Los Angeles, Councilman David...

2018: The Year of the Bird

The International Union for Conservation of Nature assessed more than 740 newly recognized bird species in 2016 and found that 13 of these species were already extinct—before they’d even been recognized as distinct species. While...

Costa Rica Adopts Enlightened Wildlife Rules

Ticos (as Costa Ricans call themselves) use a Latin phrase to define the noble intentions of their new wildlife regulations, adopted in 2017: in dubio pro natura —when in doubt, favor nature. Following that fundamental...

Appropriations Bills Pull Plug on Wildlife Protections

In September, the House passed HR 3354, an omnibus (bundled) spending bill that included four amendments to weaken the Endangered Species Act. Then, in November, the Senate Appropriations Committee’s draft funding bill for the US...

Zinke Zaps Migratory Bird Treaty Act

On January 11, AWI wrote to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke requesting that his department halt its plan to eliminate certain protections for migratory birds. This plan, released in late December, would reverse an Obama administration...

Trump Tweets Distaste for Tusker Trophies

On November 8, 2017, the US Department of the Interior announced the formation of an “International Wildlife Conservation Council” whose chief objective would be to increase public awareness of the “economic benefits that result from...

Airlines Put Hunting Trophies on Infrequent-Flyer List

Safari hunting has suffered a few setbacks recently. Ever since American dentist Walter Palmer bungled the killing of a well-known Zimbabwe lion named Cecil in 2015, international outrage has stung the industry, resulting in a...

Sanctuary Secured for Longsuffering Elephant

Nosey the elephant has not had an easy life. Born in Zimbabwe in 1982, she was stolen from her wild family at age 2 and brought to Florida. Purchased by Hugo Liebel in 1988, she...

USFWS Seeks Political Seats at the Science Table

A leaked memo from the US Fish and Wildlife Service concerning how the agency plans to regulate endangered species listings under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) could have severe impacts on imperiled wildlife. According to...