
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Every Penguin in the World

In this period of canceled travel plans and rarely venturing past one’s own front porch—if it can be helped —living vicariously through the adventures of people such as Charles Bergman, the author of Every Penguin...

Tiger King’s Zoo Finally Shut Down

The Netflix series Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness brought unprecedented public attention to the activities of roadside zoos such as Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park (GW Zoo) in Oklahoma. This zoo, formerly owned by...

USDA Admits Negligence in Cyanide Poisoning

Over three years ago, 14-year-old Canyon Mansfield and his dog, Kasey, stumbled upon an M-44 “cyanide bomb” while playing near the family’s backyard outside Pocatello, Idaho. The spring-activated device sprays sodium cyanide. It was placed...

Scientists Suggest Concrete Target to Curb Extinction

It has been estimated that the current global species extinction rate is 100 extinctions per million species per year—1,000 times higher than the normal background rate (De Vos et al. 2014). Dr. Mark Rounsevell of...

Preserve the Wild, Prevent Pandemics

The value of human lives lost to the current COVID-19 pandemic is incalculable; meanwhile, the purely economic losses we can put a price tag on have been staggering. The International Monetary Fund estimates a global...

Light Bar on Car Helps Deer Steer Clear

According to State Farm, over 1.9 million animal-vehicle collision insurance claims were filed between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019. Of those, the vast majority that resulted in human injury involved deer struck at...

Predator Protection Is Just Ecologic, Economic Logic

Historically, predators such as wolves, mountain lions, and bears were scorned and hunted with little remorse or restraint. They have been vilified as threats to livestock, companion animals, and us. State and federal wildlife management...

Keeping “Track” of Northern River Otters

The live capture of river otters is notoriously difficult, which explains the dearth of information about the ecology of the species. Traditional traps, including leghold and cage traps, can be used to capture otters for...

NEPA Rollback Endangers Communities and Wildlife

In mid-July, the Trump administration finalized its overhaul of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), enacting new regulations that weaken this key environmental law. Unprecedented in significance and scope, these changes undermine informed agency decision-making...

Rep. Lieu Leads Effort to Get the Lead Out

AWI has been working closely with Representative Ted Lieu’s (D-CA) office on the Lead Endangers Animals Daily (LEAD) Act, which was introduced on July 9. Rep. Lieu is determined to prevent the needless poisoning of...