
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Tales from the Ant World

Tales from the Ant World, by famed naturalist E. O. Wilson, is full of interesting, absorbable facts about ants (at the time of writing 15,438 species had been recognized, with Wilson estimating almost twice that...

Tiger King Cohorts Collared

The major players perpetuating the big cat trade in the United States are a small network of eccentric individuals who have been profiting off animal suffering for decades. The hit Netflix series Tiger King: Murder...

Forest Elephant Conservation Has High Economic Value

Forest elephant populations throughout Central and West Africa have declined from 700,000 to 100,000 animals over the past several decades, primarily due to poaching and habitat loss. In Central Africa alone, scientists have reported a...

Elephants Nearly Eliminated in Ivory Coast

One hundred years ago, Côte d’Ivoire—a nation that takes its name from the once-flourishing ivory trade that ran through its ports—was home to between 3,000 and 5,000 forest elephants. Today, according to a study by...

California Clamps Down on Rodenticides

In September, California enacted a law placing a moratorium on the use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) until new restrictions are adopted to better protect wildlife from these highly toxic chemicals. The law also bans...

AWI Continues Campaign to Reform Wildlife Services Program

In 2019, Wildlife Services killed 2.2 million animals, including 1.2 million native wildlife species, according to data released in October 2020. AWI is co-leading a coalition of organizations working to ensure that this US Department...

Gray Wolves Lose Endangered Species Protections

In October, the US Fish and Wildlife Service finalized a rule removing Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection for all gray wolves in the lower 48 states except for a small population of Mexican wolves in...

BarkLight Collars on Guard Dogs Could Help Protect Livestock

Gray wolf expansion into previously occupied habitat is among the most ecologically successful but socially controversial wildlife restoration efforts undertaken in the western United States. Conflicts between wolves and humans arising from livestock depredation have...

Sound Science: Tracking Gray Wolves by Their Howls

Wolf–human conflicts are an ongoing concern that can lead to both legal and illegal killing of wild wolves, poor support for wild carnivore welfare among local human populations, and legislative changes that negatively affect wolf...