Dean, L., Swan, J., Lopez-Salesansky, N. et al. 2018. The introduction of a cable tie swing and its impact on animal welfare. Animal Technology and Welfare 17(1), 43-45.

Common enrichment for mice is usually restricted to the floor and easily damaged, leading to frequent replacement. We have been studying the behaviour of NSG mice towards a 'swing' made from plastic cable ties. This enhances the 3-dimensional space which is an advantage for animals that naturally like to climb. The cable ties are cost effective, easy to assemble and autoclavable, making them safe for re-use. A cohort of 16 6-8 week old mice was used, including both sexes. After acclimatisation, the swing was introduced and the mice monitored over 4 weeks using an ethogram. Results showed they interacted with the swing approximately 40% of the time, suggesting it is indeed beneficial.Some data was collected for C57Bl/6JOIaHsd (Bl/6) mice, which showed that this strain did not interact much with the swing, indicating strong strain differences.

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