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Poultry are reared for their meat and eggs. Learn more about egg-laying hens, turkeys, and chickens raised for meat.
Date created: September 20, 2011
Last updated: March 4, 2024

In a November 15, 2014, Des Moines Register article, Debra Pratt was called “a poster child” for the “kind of animal neglect that coins the phrase ‘puppy mill.’” After years of damning US Department of Agriculture inspection reports documented uns

Date created: July 2, 2018
Last updated: January 15, 2020

A wolf- and coyote-killing contest took place during the first week of January in Idaho. The second annual “Predator Hunting Contest and Fur Rendezvous” was sponsored by a group named Idaho for Wildlife, whose primary objective is to advocate for hunters’ interests.

Date created: March 6, 2015
Last updated: January 9, 2020

Two distinct, loud “thumps”—that is how, in a September 27, 2014, Facebook post, the president of Lobo Watch, an anti-wolf organization, described the sound when his minivan struck two wolves chasing an elk calf traversing I-90 in remote western Montana. He claimed it was an “accident,” but admits to hitting the accelerator in order to “save that calf.”

Date created: December 11, 2014
Last updated: May 2, 2022

Historically, predators such as wolves, mountain lions, and bears were scorned and hunted with little remorse or restraint. They have been vilified as threats to livestock, companion animals, and us.

Date created: September 3, 2020
Last updated: October 15, 2020
Fires, floods and earthquakes can cause intense suffering and death to the millions of animals trapped in commercial and research facilities. Today, Representatives Dina Titus (D-NV) and Peter King (R-NY) introduced the “Providing Responsible Emergency Plans for Animals at Risk of Emerging Disasters (PREPARED) Act of 2019,” which would require institutions where animals are housed to strategically plan for emergencies.
Date created: February 7, 2019
Last updated: February 7, 2022

The value of human lives lost to the current COVID-19 pandemic is incalculable; meanwhile, the purely economic losses we can put a price tag on have been staggering.

Date created: September 3, 2020
Last updated: September 3, 2020
President Biden announced yesterday that he will not embargo products from Mexico despite its failure to halt the illegal wildlife trade threatening the critically endangered vaquita porpoise.
Date created: July 18, 2023
Last updated: September 6, 2024

Chad and Jodi Ray, owners of Animal Welfare Approved Ray Family Farms, were honored by the Obama administration as “Champions of Change” in connection with the president’s Winning the Future initiative.

Date created: May 7, 2012
Last updated: January 16, 2020

In July, the Secretary of Commerce certified to President Obama that Iceland was undermining the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and its treaty because of its rogue whaling (AWI Quarterly, Spring 2011).

Date created: December 6, 2011
Last updated: May 2, 2022
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) is pleased to report that President Barack Obama signed the Shark Conservation Act into law. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives passed the bill in the last days of the 111th Congress, approving the long-awaited measure by unanimous consent. The president’s signature makes the law official.
Date created: December 21, 2010
Last updated: February 2, 2022

Below please see press materials for Monkeys Don’t Wear Diapers: Heartwarming and Heartbreaking Stories from a Monkey Sanctuary, which tells the stories of a special group of monkeys who have come to OPR Coastal Primate Sanctuary, which Polly founded in 1998 and continues to direct today.

For media inquiries or to obtain press materials not listed, please contact Amey Owen, Public Relations Coordinator, Animal Welfare Institute, at (202) 446-2128 or [email protected].

Date created: February 25, 2015
Last updated: February 19, 2021
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) is grateful to Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) for continuing to pressure the US Department of Agriculture to adequately enforce the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), the primary federal law governing the treatment of animals used for exhibition, research, breeding, and dealing.
Date created: July 21, 2020
Last updated: January 18, 2024
Soring—which involves intentionally inflicting pain on a horse’s hooves and front limbs to produce an exaggerated high-stepping gait known as the Big Lick—remains a persistent and rampant practice in Tennessee walking horse competitions.
Date created: March 19, 2014
Last updated: August 30, 2024

The federal law prohibiting the creation and distribution of “crush videos” does not cover the underlying acts of animal abuse, which can occur beyond the reach of state cruelty laws. The PACT Act closes that loophole by extending federal jurisdiction to these specific, particularly heinous crimes.

Date created: October 30, 2015
Last updated: August 29, 2024

One of the stark realities COVID-19 has forced us to confront is the huge risk posed by zoonotic diseases—pathogens passed from nonhuman animals to humans. COVID is merely the latest and most devastating example of this type of disease.

Date created: December 17, 2020
Last updated: December 17, 2020
Despite three weeks of stonewalling by horse slaughter proponents on the House Judiciary Committee, H.R. 6598, the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act passed by a voice vote after the majority rejected several poison pill amendments.
Date created: January 23, 2009
Last updated: February 3, 2022

Language from the AWI-endorsed Preventing Future Pandemics Act (PFPA) was successfully adopted as an amendment to the House-passed version of the National Defense Authorization Act.

Date created: September 1, 2022
Last updated: April 17, 2024
The environmental enrichment program of the Caribbean Primate Research Center is guided by an evolutionary and ecological perspective. The evolutionary perspective suggests that primates should be housed in enclosures that provide a social and physical environment that resembles their natural surroundings as much as possible.
Date created: April 8, 2016
Last updated: November 11, 2020

According to the Swiss Animal Welfare Legislation, the minimal enclosure area for macaques of the size of rhesus or cynomolgus monkeys for experimental purposes is 15 cubic meters. In such an enclosure up to 5 adult animals may be kept with further 2 cubic meters for each additional animal.

Date created: April 8, 2016
Last updated: November 11, 2020

Miss Riley, a large stump-tailed macaque, selects a carrot and hands it to her roommate, Bugs.

Date created: February 7, 2011
Last updated: January 10, 2020

After 40 tireless years of advocating for animals, Princess Elisabeth de Croÿ passed away on May 18.

Date created: August 11, 2009
Last updated: April 24, 2024
Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.
Date created: June 27, 2011
Last updated: October 6, 2023
Three hundred and fifty cats and dogs from the US Virgin Islands, recently decimated by Hurricane Irma, were evacuated by plane early this morning. The Amerijet cargo plane—arranged by Virginia Beach’s Island Dog Rescue with significant funding from the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI)—transported the animals from shelters run by Humane Society of St Thomas and St. Croix Animal Welfare Center to Norfolk International Airport.
Date created: September 20, 2017
Last updated: February 2, 2022

Our team members are well-versed in the link between animal maltreatment and human violence. We welcome the opportunity to provide tools and training for other organizations.

Date created: September 28, 2023
Last updated: September 5, 2024