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This paper describes the introduction of a modified caging system and the benefits to both the animals and staff.
Date created: April 12, 2016
Last updated: July 28, 2020

Marine animals use sound to navigate, communicate, find food, locate mates, and avoid predators.

Date created: September 27, 2011
Last updated: April 4, 2024

In June 2021, a dubious US government–funded attempt to study minke whales’ response to ocean noise began in the northern Norway region of Lofoten.

Date created: June 14, 2022
Last updated: June 24, 2022

Rhode Island is the latest state to ban the use of intensive confinement crates to house calves raised for veal and breeding (or “gestating”) sows, bringing the total number of states banning farm animal confinement crates to nine.

Date created: August 2, 2012
Last updated: January 16, 2020
Sy Montgomery brings her passion for animals and talent for storytelling to focus on turtles in her 34th book, Of Time and Turtles: Mending the World, Shell by Shattered Shell. Turtles, she points out, are not only culturally popular—from the tortoise besting the hare in an ancient fable, to Teenage Mutant Ninjas, to Nemo’s sea turtle pal Crush—they have also been around since the time of dinosaurs and are an important component of many ecosystems, with more than 350 species on six continents. To dive into their world, Montgomery, along with illustrator Matt Patterson, interned for a year at the Turtle Rescue League (TRL) in Massachusetts.
Date created: December 15, 2023
Last updated: April 17, 2024

On a positive note, one effort to use a critical (and completely unrelated) piece of legislation to erode the ESA failed decisively.

Date created: September 14, 2018
Last updated: September 19, 2018

In 2017, France’s minister of ecology issued a decree phasing out the captive display of cetaceans through a breeding and trade ban.

Date created: December 17, 2020
Last updated: December 17, 2020
With less than two weeks to go before representatives from more than 80 governments meet in Agadir, Morocco, to decide on a proposal to lift the 24-year ban on commercial whaling, conservation groups have released a range of simple on-line, independent statistics that clearly demonstrate not only how the current International Whaling Commission’s (IWC) ban has saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of whales, but also the inconsistencies behind claims that the new proposal will actually save the lives of whales.
Date created: June 8, 2010
Last updated: February 2, 2022

AWI has joined the “Stop Puppy Mills Ohio” coalition of animal welfare groups, rescues, shelters, and Ohio citizens to launch a ballot initiative aimed at clamping down on puppy mills in the state.

Date created: January 4, 2018
Last updated: April 24, 2024

There is another addition to the growing body of case law acknowledging that companion animals are not mere property.

Date created: September 1, 2017
Last updated: April 24, 2024

In the last eight years, the number of puppy mills in Ohio has increased fourfold—a consequence of the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) relaxing its regulation of these entities.

Date created: June 14, 2022
Last updated: April 17, 2024
Today, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed into law HB 33, a bill to expand the cross-reporting of abuse of both animals and people. The legislation requires veterinarians, social service professionals, and counselors who encounter abused companion animals to report their observations to law enforcement or animal control officers. Moreover, law enforcement and animal control officers must notify social service professionals if a child or senior citizen resides with an alleged animal abuser. The law also adds dog wardens to the list of mandated reporters of child abuse.
Date created: January 6, 2021
Last updated: February 2, 2022

For years, the animal protection community, including AWI, has maintained that the tank for Lolita, the lone orca who has languished for over 45 years at the Miami Seaquarium, does not meet the minimum space requirements for her species under US l

Date created: September 1, 2017
Last updated: September 1, 2017

The US Department of Agriculture’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently published an audit report relevant to AWI’s efforts to improve the accuracy of meat label claims.

Date created: September 3, 2020
Last updated: September 3, 2020

AWI is gravely disappointed in the outcome of the review of the federal Wildlife Services program by the USDA Office of Inspector General (OIG). The OIG took up the investigation after members of Congress requested it—but promptly punted on any in-depth analysis.

Date created: December 31, 2015
Last updated: January 9, 2020

In another indictment of the US Department of Agriculture’s lax enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), a new report from the department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) criticizes the USDA Animal Care (AC) program’s reporting system and,

Date created: August 19, 2021
Last updated: January 18, 2024

The USDA Office of Inspector General (OIG) has released an audit of inspection and enforcement activities at pig slaughter plants. The May 2013 audit found that inspectors for the Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS) do not always enforce humane handling regulations properly.

Date created: August 23, 2013
Last updated: January 15, 2020

The Trump administration’s plans to expand offshore oil and gas exploration along the Eastern Seaboard spells trouble for the highly endangered North Atlantic right whale, of which only 450 or so remain.

Date created: April 8, 2019
Last updated: April 8, 2019

The Deepwater Horizon offshore oil drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in the evening hours of April 20.

Date created: September 7, 2010
Last updated: January 9, 2020

Twenty years ago, the single-hulled Exxon Valdez tanker collided with the Bligh Reef in Alaska, spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil into the pristine and ecologically significant Prince William Sound. The massive spill—caused by human error and lack of oversight—ruined one of America's most treasured natural areas and caused the deaths of millions of animals, including more than 3,000 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250,000 murres, 14 orcas, and countless fish and benthic invertebrates. Some species are still unrecovered today, and the environment remains blanketed in oil.

Date created: June 8, 2009
Last updated: January 16, 2020

An underwater pipeline ruptured about five miles off California’s southern coast in early October, spewing at least 25,000 gallons of oil into the sea.

Date created: January 3, 2022
Last updated: January 3, 2022

In summer 2018, 101 whales—90 belugas and 11 orcas—were captured in a single operation in the Okhotsk Sea and held in a sea pen complex near Vladivostok, in Russia’s Far East.

Date created: June 17, 2020
Last updated: June 17, 2020
The need for federal legislation ending the slaughter of and providing safer transportation for American horses came to the forefront again last Tuesday, as we witnessed another horrific accident involving an overturned cattle trailer carrying 30 horses.
Date created: May 24, 2010
Last updated: February 2, 2022

Institutions that receive Public Health Service (PHS) funding and conduct research using live vertebrate animals are required by law to have an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) that oversees the treatment of those animals and en

Date created: December 15, 2023
Last updated: December 22, 2023

For caribou herds to persist, they must maintain access to productive calving grounds (areas that herds visit annually to give birth to their young).

Date created: February 25, 2014
Last updated: March 31, 2023