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The second global conference on Animal Welfare was convened by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) last year in Cairo, Egypt, from October 20 to 22.

Date created: January 16, 2020
Last updated: May 27, 2021

The film “Noah” is a Hollywood epic that recounts the biblical story of Noah’s struggle to save his family and a menagerie of animals from a flood that threatens to wipe out all other life on the planet. Beyond the bounds of sacred text and cinematic story-telling, there’s a modern-day flood occurring—one that is also devastating wildlife species, irreparably altering ecosystems, and stealing from future generations.

Date created: May 29, 2014
Last updated: January 9, 2020

The World Conservation Congress today formally adopted a motion against Japan’s research whaling program, which is used as a front to kill whales for commercial sale. The motion calls on Japan to stop issuing “special permits” for whaling in the Antarctic and western North Pacific oceans and for all International Whaling Commission (IWC) members to refrain from issuing any further permits.

Date created: September 7, 2016
Last updated: February 2, 2022
In a series of letters delivered today, conservation groups urged the United States and international authorities to use sanctions to pressure Mexico to save the vaquita, whose population has dwindled to just 10 remaining animals.
Date created: April 1, 2021
Last updated: January 18, 2024
The most beneficial way to enrich the life of an individually housed primate has been demonstrated to be that of providing a social companion. Where this is not an option, inanimate enrichment options have been employed. Enrichment methods for individually housed primates commonly consist of providing toys, structures, different types of food, or feeding puzzles to the animals. In an attempt to provide individually housed chimpanzees with a source of animate, and possibly interactive, enrichment, seven chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were provided with a single goldfish in a small plastic aquarium.
Date created: April 29, 2016
Last updated: October 29, 2020

The conibear body gripping trap is designed to instantly kill by breaking the neck or back of an animal. It often doesn’t, and victims suffer greatly before they die.

Date created: November 8, 2010
Last updated: April 24, 2024

While the US took a leap toward beluga conservation in October by adding Cook Inlet belugas to the Endangered Species List, the animals remain grossly overhunted in Greenland.

Date created: January 16, 2020
Last updated: May 27, 2021

An attempt to undermine longstanding wildlife, land conservation, and public health laws was defeated in November, when the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012 (S. 3525) was blocked from passage in the U.S. Senate.

Date created: February 19, 2013
Last updated: April 24, 2024

AWI’s Animal Welfare Approved products continue to experience increased demand across the country. One recent request was from the National Democratic Club in Washington, D.C., which now purchases pasture-raised eggs from Carole Morison.

Date created: December 4, 2012
Last updated: April 24, 2024

In January, the Healthy Students Amendment Act (HSAA), which incorporated the Good Food Purchasing Program (GFPP), passed into law in Washington, DC, making the DC school system the fifth in the country to adopt the program.

Date created: April 4, 2019
Last updated: April 4, 2019

In 2012, the Los Angeles Food Policy Council set out to transform the city’s food purchasing system into a more sustainable model that prioritizes the environment, animal welfare, and the local economy.

Date created: March 23, 2018
Last updated: March 23, 2018

In the early 1960s, the federal government established a network of National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs) to promote biomedical research on primates.

Date created: April 8, 2024
Last updated: April 22, 2024

Mice have a strong preference to nest away from their own waste, and mice in laboratories should be housed in a system of cages that allows them to segregate space into clean and dirty areas, according to work led by researchers at the University

Date created: July 1, 2019
Last updated: July 1, 2019


The cattle industry is moving away from a feed additive linked to animal lethargy, lameness, and even becoming too heavy to walk. The drug Zilmax is a beta-agonist, which promotes muscle growth; it is used to bulk up cattle just before they are sent to slaughter.

Date created: December 6, 2013
Last updated: January 15, 2020

Africa's Congo Basin is home to one of the world’s largest remaining rainforests and a diverse assemblage of wildlife, including gorillas.

Date created: September 7, 2010
Last updated: January 9, 2020
Today, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed critical legislation (A.2917/S.4099) ending wildlife killing contests for coyotes, foxes, bobcats, squirrels, raccoons, crows, and other species in New York.
Date created: December 22, 2023
Last updated: September 6, 2024
Wildlife-advocacy and animal-protection groups sent an urgent letter today calling on Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek and state officials to address mink fur farms’ escalating threats to public health and wildlife.
Date created: February 1, 2024
Last updated: September 6, 2024
As the unsurpassed leader in obtaining laws to benefit animals in need, AWI’s Government Affairs division provides information to Members of Congress and their staffs. We send action alerts to individuals and organizations interested in animal protective legislation, informing them of ways in which they may help—often by writing to members of Congress or other government officials and to the editors of newspapers. You can help our efforts by joining AWI and pledging to contact your legislators about important animal protection issues.
Date created: August 24, 2011
Last updated: September 6, 2024
A new report today calls for the international community and vested commercial interests to take tough action to end Iceland’s ongoing slaughter of endangered fin whales. Slayed in Iceland: The commercial hunting and international trade in endangered fin whales has been jointly released by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), and Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) on the eve of the 65th meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in Portorož, Slovenia.
Date created: September 10, 2014
Last updated: February 2, 2022
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) is alarmed that the federal government has proposed allowing the Makah tribe of Washington to kill gray whales again.
Date created: April 5, 2019
Last updated: February 7, 2022
This week, the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal Handling and Welfare Review Panel, established in response to the New York Times’ shocking exposé of animal cruelty at the department’s Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) in Nebraska, released a report entitled “Findings and Recommendations on the Animal Care and Well-Being at the US Meat Animal Research Center to the Secretary of Agriculture and the REE Under Secretary.”
Date created: March 13, 2015
Last updated: February 2, 2022
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) is appalled that the omnibus spending bill unveiled by Congress today includes a last-minute policy rider that will all but ensure the extinction of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale.
Date created: December 20, 2022
Last updated: December 20, 2022

There were stuffed tigers standing at the entrance of the 13,000-square-foot warehouse. Large plastic trash bags filled with thousands upon thousands of dead, dried seahorses sat slumped in the aisle.

Date created: February 25, 2014
Last updated: January 10, 2020
The Animal Welfare Institute is gravely disappointed that some of the recommendations released today by the Southern Resident Killer Whale Recovery and Task Force fail to take bold action to save these endangered whales while ignoring public support for dam removal and public opposition to sea lion killings.
Date created: November 16, 2018
Last updated: February 7, 2022
he Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) is pleased to announce that Governor Quinn has signed into law new rules to provide that certain requirements must be met in order for an owner to lawfully tether a dog outdoors. Governor Quinn signed the legislation on July 20 at PAWS Chicago, the city’s largest no-kill humane shelter, stating in a press release that, “One of the joys and privileges of being a dog owner is the unconditional love and comfort these animals bring to our lives. As any pet owner knows, dogs become part of our families. This new law will crack down on the mistreatment of animals in Illinois and make sure our pets receive the same love and care they give us.”
Date created: July 23, 2013
Last updated: February 2, 2022