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AWI is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s AWI Scholarship, helping students pursue career opportunities focused on improving animal welfare:

Date created: June 24, 2024
Last updated: June 28, 2024
… Shutting the door on horse slaughter and Class B dealers: In its fiscal year 2017 … the committee voted to prohibit funding of inspections at horse slaughter plants, which effectively prevents any such … to address long-standing problems in the Tennessee Walking Horse industry, the House Appropriations Committee—with no …
Date created: July 6, 2016
Last updated: January 15, 2020

Along with the unexpected outcome of the presidential race (see page 2), Election Day 2016 resulted in the defeat of two lawmakers who have worked to improve animal welfare.

Date created: December 22, 2016
Last updated: January 15, 2020
… the lives of companion animals, equines, and captive wild animals in Ukraine during different stages of the war. … and providing them with food and bedding; and evacuating wild animals such as bears and tigers from zoos and wildlife …
Date created: June 21, 2023
Last updated: April 17, 2024
… —owned Wildlife in Need, a roadside zoo in Indiana. There, wild animals suffered behind bars for decades, including the … in South Carolina, and Keith Wilson, owner of Wilson’s Wild Animal Park in Virginia. Antle is one of the most … dozens of adult tigers shoved into cramped, reconfigured horse stalls. Antle also admitted to regularly euthanizing …
Date created: December 17, 2020
Last updated: December 30, 2020
… said Suzanne Roy, executive director of the American Wild Horse Campaign. “Within the United States, we are witnessing a notable increase in the number of wild burros entering the slaughter pipeline due to the …
Date created: October 26, 2023
Last updated: September 6, 2024
… 28 kept in place AWI-supported language denying funds for horse slaughter plant inspections by the USDA—a move that …
Date created: March 17, 2017
Last updated: October 15, 2020
… animal species. These capabilities serve bears well in the wild because they must find and consume enough food and … safe, and ensure that bears remain—and thrive—in the wild. … Coexisting with Bears …
Date created: April 13, 2022
Last updated: April 14, 2022
… Among other things, he sponsored legislation to protect wild horses, co-authored a bill to end horse slaughter and, in 2002, convinced the Senate …
Date created: September 7, 2010
Last updated: January 9, 2020
… increases in spending on the Animal Welfare Act and the Horse Protection Act, and a ban on the use of federal money …
Date created: August 11, 2009
Last updated: January 17, 2020
… bison, beavers, reindeer, wolves, and lynx in Europe; wild horses and wolves in Asia; hippos, cheetahs, wild dogs, and lions in Africa; and brown bears, bison, …
Date created: April 19, 2022
Last updated: April 25, 2022
… plan to conduct mass surgical sterilization experiments on wild horses from the Warm Springs Herd Management Area in … BLM aimed to surgically sterilize 100 recently rounded up wild mares in a nonsterile corral facility using a method …
Date created: December 21, 2018
Last updated: April 17, 2024
… on gestation crates for pigs, tail-docking of cattle, and horse slaughter, and override efforts to ban the sale of pets …
Date created: April 13, 2018
Last updated: May 2, 2022
… at animal shelters, wildlife rehabilitation clinics, and horse rescues, with extracurricular activities ranging from …
Date created: March 17, 2022
Last updated: March 30, 2022
… mule deer, tapir, camel, hippopotamus, giraffe, zebra, horse, elk, reindeer, pig, goat, sheep, caribou, bison, … is declining, the use of non-lethal techniques to manage wild ungulates is of increasing importance. … Deer and Other …
Date created: September 23, 2011
Last updated: April 2, 2021
… safe, effective immunocontraceptive vaccines to manage wild horses in their natural habitats. We also helped spur an …
Date created: June 14, 2022
Last updated: June 24, 2022
… well as the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act and the Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act—use the following address: The …
Date created: June 14, 2022
Last updated: April 17, 2024
From documenting how tourist attractions intruded on the habitat of the Grand Cayman blue iguana, to discussing how post-pandemic housing insecurity impacts animals, the winners of the 2023 “A Voice for Animals” contest use creative storytelling and log countless volunteer hours to protect disappearing species from human-caused hazards.
Date created: July 24, 2023
Last updated: September 6, 2024
… Foundation : This Ukrainian organization is delivering horse feed, bedding, and veterinary supplies to stables in …
Date created: May 12, 2022
Last updated: June 2, 2022
… the law protecting equines from the inhumane practice of horse soring.  “In his remarks before the committee, Rep. … on gestation crates for pigs, tail-docking of cattle, and horse slaughter, and override efforts to ban the sale of pets …
Date created: April 19, 2018
Last updated: February 7, 2022

The Watamu Marine Association (WMA) was established in 2007 in Kenya in order to bring together members from the community, tourism, and environmental sectors in the coastal resort town of Watamu to promote community development and empowerment, and to advocate for the protection and preservation of Watamu Marine National Park and Reserve.

Date created: February 19, 2013
Last updated: January 15, 2020
Here is a list of restaurants offering shark fin. Many shark populations have faced steep declines due to years of exploitation. Their slow reproductive rates make them extremely vulnerable to extinction. The disappearance of sharks—apex predators in many ecosystems—causes dangerous imbalances in marine communities worldwide.
Date created: June 27, 2011
Last updated: September 11, 2024
… partnered with AWI on issues such as stopping the cruel horse slaughter industry, and preserving the right of wild horses to roam free on public lands. AWI works to end …
Date created: May 22, 2013
Last updated: May 2, 2022
… oppose the use of steel-jaw leghold traps, protect wild horses, safeguard endangered species, and more. Thirty …
Date created: May 4, 2011
Last updated: January 8, 2020
… Child and Animal Abuse Detection and Reporting Act, the Horse Transportation Safety Act, the PREPARED Act, and the …
Date created: December 17, 2020
Last updated: December 17, 2020