Lutz, C. K. 2013. Alopecia in corral-housed baboons: the impact of season, sex, and age. American Journal of Primatology 75(S1), 52. (36th Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists Scientific Program, Abstract #70)

Although alopecia in captive baboons has previously been assessed, the incidence of alopecia in large groups of baboons housed in more expansive outdoor settings has not been evaluated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent of alopecia in two large groups of baboons housed in outdoor corrals, and to identify the impact of season, sex, and age. Subjects were 281 baboons (Papio hamadryas spp.), 194 females and 87 males, aged 4-18.5 years (M=9.4-3.5) housed in two same-sex, 6-acre corrals. Alopecia scoring occurred while the animals were sedated for six twice-annual physicals from 2009-2012 (three in April, three in October). Body parts were assessed separately, creating an overall alopecia score ranging from 0 (no alopecia) to 5 (severe alopecia). Mean alopecia scores were calculated for each animal, one for April and one for October. Averaged alopecia scores ranged from 0-3.5 (M=1.12-0.81). There were significant seasonal and sex differences in alopecia, with higher scores in October and in females (Repeated Measures ANOVA: F(1,279)=35.075, p<0.001; F(1,279)=11.691, p<0.005). Females exhibited more alopecia in the legs and tail, while males exhibited more alopecia in the head and torso. Alopecia was not correlated with age (Pearson, NS). These results demonstrate that animals housed in large outdoor corrals exhibit mild levels of alopecia, and that both sex and season play a role.

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