
AWI Quarterly Articles | Equines

Please see the below articles about Equines from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Protecting Show Horses: DQP System Deserves Disqualification

Under the Horse Protection Act (HPA), representatives (known as “Designated Qualified Persons,” or DQPs) of certified horse industry organizations (HIOs) are authorized to inspect horses at shows and sales and to cite individuals for horse...

Equine Equity: Horse Slaughter Prevention Saves Money

While all the talk coming out of Washington is about cutting spending, a few politicians are quietly trying to restore funding for the slaughter of horses for human consumption - which would also necessitate resurrecting...

USDA Closes Loophole in Horse Transport Rules

The USDA has amended regulations designed to reduce the suffering of horses transported for slaughter so as to include horses who are first transported to intermediate collection points.

Tax Dollars for Slaughter Nixed Again

As an additional backstop against resumption of horse slaughter in the U.S., the House has passed an FY 2012 appropriations bill that includes an amendment offered by Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA ) prohibiting the USDA...

Horse Slaughter

The issue of ending horse slaughter continues to resonate with Congress.

Horse Transportation

In July, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure unanimously approved the Horse Transportation Safety Act (H.R. 305). This bill would make it illegal to haul horses in trailers with two levels, one stacked on...

Brutal BLM Roundups

The unnecessary removal of wild horses has reached an alarming rate under the current administration. Thousands of horses have been and continue to be removed from their native range, and placed in short- and long-term...