
AWI Quarterly Articles | Equines

Please see the below articles about Equines from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


In Tribute to Dr. Earnest Johnson

AWI was deeply saddened to learn that Dr. Earnest Johnson, a dedicated veterinary inspector with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), passed away earlier this year. Dr. Johnson embraced his obligation to ensure enforcement of...

Scribbles, a Horse that Beat All Odds

Imagine finding your beloved horse on Facebook, in a kill pen bleeding to death with a severed artery, when you thought she was safe and happy in a loving home. That’s what happened to me...

Bill to Ban Horse Slaughter Introduced

The Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act of 2013 was introduced on March 12 in both houses of Congress. Sponsored by Sens. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) in the Senate and by Reps...

MoMA Cafe Keeps Horse Meat off the Menu

Shortly before the M. Wells Dinette opened at the Museum of Modern Art’s PS1 gallery (MoMA PS1) in Long Island City, New York, in late September, the restaurant’s chefs announced that the menu would include...

Putting the Hurt on Horse Soring

Building on the public outrage accompanying several high profile prosecutions of horse soring, Reps. Ed Whitfield (R-KY) and Steve Cohen (D-TN) introduced legislation to strengthen the Horse Protection Act (HPA).

Protecting Show Horses: DQP System Deserves Disqualification

Under the Horse Protection Act (HPA), representatives (known as “Designated Qualified Persons,” or DQPs) of certified horse industry organizations (HIOs) are authorized to inspect horses at shows and sales and to cite individuals for horse...