Farm & Stable

Bučková, K., Moravcsíková, Á., Šárová, R. et al. 2022. Indication of social buffering in disbudded calves. Scientific Reports 12(1), 13348.

Most dairy calves are housed individually in early ontogeny but social housing has positive effects on calf welfare including an advantage of social buffering, i.e., when negative effects of stress are mitigated through social support...

Shewbridge Carter, L., Haskell, M. J., Ball, D. et al. 2022. Dairy cows value an open area for lying down. PLOS ONE 17(5), e0268238.

As dairy cows are being housed for longer periods, with all-year-round housing growing in popularity, it is important to ensure housed environments are meeting the needs of cows. Dairy cows are motivated to access open...