
Hoy, J. M., Murray, P. J., Tribe, A. 2010. Thirty years later: Enrichment practices for captive mammals. Zoo Biology 29(3), 303-316.

Environmental enrichment of captive mammals has been steadily evolving over the past thirty years. For this process to continue, it is first necessary to define current enrichment practices and then identify the factors that limit...

Claxton, A. M. 2011. The potential of the human-animal relationship as an environmental enrichment for the welfare of zoo-housed animals. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133(1), 1-10.

Environmental enrichment strategies are used to improve both the physiological and psychological welfare of captive animals, which can be achieved by increasing the expression of natural behaviour and decreasing abnormal behaviours. Examples of successful environmental...

Hosey, G., Melfi, V. 2012. Human-animal bonds between zoo professionals and the animals in their care. Zoo Biology 31(1), 13-26.

Some human-animal relationships can be so positive that they confer emotional well-being to both partners and can thus be viewed as bonds. In this study, 130 delegates at zoo research and training events completed questionnaires...