
Gray, G. 2016. Enhancing welfare of Zebra finches through the use of environmental enrichment. Animal Technology and Welfare 15(3), 147-150.

This article will describe alterations made by the University of Glasgow to increase the welfare of our Zebra finches by providing them with a more complex environment to engage with. It will describe how we...

Nelson Slater, M., Hauber, M. E. 2017. Olfactory enrichment and scent cue associative learning in captive birds of prey. Zoo Biology 36(2), 120–126.

As the use of enrichment in zoos has become a standardized husbandry practice, the continued improvement of enrichment programs should be concomitant with empirical validation of those practices. The role of scent as enrichment remains...

Smith, L., Hallager, S., Kendrick, E. et al. 2018. Husbandry of wild-caught song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Zoo Biology 37(3), 206–209.

Conservation and research efforts occasionally rely upon bringing wild animals into human care to establish breeding programs and to understand their biology. Wild‐caught birds may have husbandry requirements that differ from captive‐reared animals due, in...