
Kneeland, M. R., Spagnuolo, V. A., Evers, D. C. et al. 2020. A novel method for captive rearing and translocation of juvenile common loons. Zoo Biology 39(4), 263–270.

Common loons (Gavia immer) are diving waterbirds that are particularly challenging to keep in captivity due to their specific behavioral and physiologic needs, special housing requirements, and susceptibility to stress‐related disease. We report a novel...

Soliman, F. N. K., El-Sabrout, K. 2020. Light wavelengths/colors: Future prospects for broiler behavior and production. Journal of Veterinary Behavior 36, 34-39.

Assessing animal welfare is necessary from animal behavior and product quality/quantity perspectives. Birds have a unique visual system and see in the range of 315-750 nm. Most of their behavior is mediated by vision. Lighting...

Monckton, V., van Staaveren, N., Harlander-Matauschek, A. 2020. Broiler chicks’ motivation for different wood beddings and amounts of soiling. Animals 10(6), 1039.

In the wild, excreta soiled surroundings can attract predators and spread disease. Yet, farmers rear broiler chicks in large barns with stocking densities that prevent excreta segregation. To measure chicks’ motivation to access unsoiled bedding...