
Guesgen, M. J., Bench, C. 2017. What can kinematics tell us about the affective states of animals? Animal Welfare 26( 4), 383-397.

An animal's welfare state is intrinsically linked to its affective state. Evidence suggests that sentient, conscious animals can experience a range of affective states, such as pain, fear or boredom as well as positive affects...

Robbins, J., Franks, B., von Keyserlingk, M. A. G. 2018. ‘More than a feeling’: An empirical investigation of hedonistic accounts of animal welfare. PLOS ONE 13(3), e0193864.

Many scientists studying animal welfare appear to hold a hedonistic concept of welfare -whereby welfare is ultimately reducible to an animal’s subjective experience. The substantial advances in assessing animal’s subjective experience have enabled us to...

Małecki, W., Pawłowski, B., Sorokowski, P. 2016. Literary fiction influences attitudes toward animal welfare. PLOS ONE 11(12), e0168695.

Literary fiction has been credited with considerable power to improve attitudes toward outgroups. It was even argued that it has been an important factor behind the global decline of violence against various minorities in the...

National Research Council. 1985. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 6th Edition. National Institutes of Health: Bethesda, MD.

Good husbandry minimizes variations that can modify an animal's response to experimentation [p. 11]] ...Lighting should be uniformly diffused throughout animal facilities to provide sufficient illumination to aid in maintaining good houskeeping practices, adequate inspection...

National Research Council. 1996. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 7th Edition. National Academy Press: Washington, DC.

General guidelines for the housing, handling and behavioral management of laboratory animals, including nonhuman primates. Proper care, use, and humane treatment of animals used in research, testing, and education .. require scientific and professional judgment...