
Kurtzman, M. S., Craig, M. P., Grizzle, B. K. et al. 2010. Sexually segregated housing results in improved early larval survival in zebrafish. Lab Animal 39, 183-189.

Large-scale aquaculture facilities require highly optimized husbandry protocols that maximize fecundity and embryo health while minimizing cost and effort. Although zebrafish are being increasingly used for preclinical drug screens, functional genomic research and toxicological and...

Oldfield, R. G. 2011. Aggression and welfare in a common aquarium fish, the Midas cichlid. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 14(4), 340-360.

Many species of fishes are aggressive when placed in small aquaria. Aggression can negatively affect the welfare of those individuals toward whom it is directed. Animals may behave aggressively in order to defend resources such...

Alworth, L. C., Buerkle, S. C. 2013. The effects of music on animal physiology, behavior and welfare. Lab Animal 42(2), 54-61.

Physiological and psychological effects of listening to music have been documented in humans. The changes in physiology, cognition and brain chemistry and morphology induced by music have been studied in animal models, providing evidence that...