
Makowska, I. J., Weary, D. M. 2016. The importance of burrowing, climbing and standing upright for laboratory rats. Royal Society Open Science 3, 160136.

Standard laboratory cages prevent rats (Rattus norvegicus) from performing many behaviours that they perform in the wild, but little is known about how this may affect their welfare. The aims of this study were (i)...

Jones, S., Neville, V., Higgs, L. et al. 2018. Assessing animal affect: An automated and self-initiated judgement bias task based on natural investigative behaviour. Scientific Reports 8, 12400.

Scientific methods for assessing animal affect, especially affective valence (positivity or negativity), allow us to evaluate animal welfare and the effectiveness of 3Rs Refinements designed to improve wellbeing. Judgement bias tasks measure valence; however, task-training...

Koontz, J. M., Kumsher, D. M., III, R. K., Stallings, J. D. 2016. Effect of 2 bedding materials on ammonia levels in individually ventilated cages. JAALAS 55(1), 25–28.

This study sought to identify an optimal rodent bedding and cage-change interval to establish standard procedures for the IVC in our rodent vivarium. Disposable cages were prefilled with either corncob or α-cellulose bedding and were...