Husbandry & Management

Includes refinements to diet, bedding or flooring, cage changing, lighting, temperature, noise levels, etc.

Franchi, G. A., Herskin, M. S., Jensen, M. B. 2019. Dairy cows fed a low energy diet before dry-off show signs of hunger despite ad libitum access. Scientific Reports 9, 16159.

Drying-off is one important management step in commercial dairy farms and consists of ceasing milk production artificially at a specific point in time, generally 2 months before the next calving. Drying-off typically comprises dietary changes...

Kojima, T., Oishi, K., Matsubara, Y. et al. 2019. Cows painted with zebra-like striping can avoid biting fly attack. PLOS ONE 14(10), e0223447.

Experimental and comparative studies suggest that the striped coats of zebras can prevent biting fly attacks. Biting flies are serious pests of livestock that cause economic losses in animal production. We hypothesized that cows painted...