Nonhuman Primate

Kuhar, C. W., Smith, K., Soltis, J. 2008. The visitor effect on apes: real or imaginary? Enriching or stressful?ournal of P

The “visitor effect” problem, whether zoo visitors are stressful or enriching to zoo animals, is made difficult to analyze by numerous methodological challenges. The extremes in visitor attendance patterns during the holiday season at Disney’s...

Leland, S. P., West, A. M., Shaver, C. K. et al. 2008. Longitudinal comparison of rates of species-typical behavior o

Behavioral observations were conducted as an ongoing program of monitoring psychological well-being of chimpanzees involved in IACUC-approved preventive medicine studies. The chimpanzees were housed in a facility that provided a variety of enrichment objects, climbing...

Leland, S. P., West, A. M., Pippin, Z. L. et al. 2008. Effects of familiarity and novelty on rates of environmental enrichment

Manipulable objects are often provided to laboratory macaques as environmental enrichment, but exposure to objects is widely believed to result in rapid habituation. Consequently, much effort is made to ensure enrichment objects are novel. Here...

West, A. M., Leland, S. P., Lorence, M. A. et al. 2008. Behavioral correlates of alopecia severity in laboratory rhes

Alopecia in laboratory primates is often regarded as a sign of excessive self-grooming due to social deprivation or insufficient environmental enrichment. The purpose of this study was to examine, in individually housed macaques, the occurrence...

Brunelli, R. L., Gottlieb, D., Holcomb, K. et al. 2009. Effects of positive reinforcement training on infant behavioral

At the California National Primate Research Center, one key to long-term success of macaque breeding colonies is to develop effective infant-rearing strategies that minimize the emergence of behavioral pathologies, which can be one indicator of...