
Corbett, A., McGowin, A., Sieber, S. et al. 2012. A method for reliable voluntary oral administration of a fixed dosage (mg/kg

Stress can influence a number of physiological processes including adult neurogenesis, metabolism, cardiovascular function, immune function, neurophysiological function, endocrine function and inflammatory processes following injury. In testing drugs which may be used to treat various...

Horn, M. J., Hudson, S. V., Bostrom, L. A. et al. 2012. Effects of cage density, sanitation frequency, and bedding type on an

Ongoing studies and historical data support the finding that deviations or exceptions from the cage density and sanitation frequency standards set forth in the Guide do not negatively affect animal health, welfare, or production parameters...

Kirchner, J., Hackbarth, H., Stelzer, H. D. et al. 2012. Preferences of group-housed female mice regarding structure of softwo

Bedding influences various parameters in the housing of laboratory mice, such as health, physiology and behaviour (often considered as being integral parts of welfare). Notwithstanding existent studies about bedding preferences of individually tested mice, data...

Shair, H. N., Nunez, Y., Osman, M. M. 2012. Enrichment materials do not negatively affect reproductive success and offspring survival and weight in mice. Lab Animal 41(1), 14-19.

Environmental enrichment is designed to improve the overall welfare of laboratory animals, including mice. Few studies have directly assessed the effects of different types of enrichment on mouse offspring survival and growth. The authors examined...