Environmental Enrichment

Includes structural, behavioral, food, and auditory enrichment.

Burbidge, C., Beresford, Z., Serrano-Galleg, V. 2023. Validating in-cage mouse enrichment. Animal Technology and Welfare 22(1), 63–67.

There is a wide variety of different types of mouse enrichment currently available, some items of which are more practical than others. Validating items used for providing enrichment can be time consuming and costly, nevertheless...

Platto, S., Serres, A. 2023. A quantitative assessment of trainers-dolphins’ interactions in the absence of food reward. Animals 13(10), 1651.

All the studies that have considered the motivation of the dolphins to interact with their trainers as a possible welfare indicator have been carried out in facilities where the trainer-dolphin interactions (TDIs) sessions were reinforced...