
AWI Quarterly Articles | Farmed Animals

Please see the below articles about Farmed Animals from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Study Highlights Lack of Protections for Farmed Fish

A recent study published in Cambridge University’s Animal Welfare journal (Mood et al., 2023) estimates the number of farmed fishes slaughtered for food in global aquaculture from 1990 to 2019. The study authors first noted...

Better Choices for Egg Buyers

Eggs are a staple of the Western diet. In the United States, 94 percent of Americans report consuming them, and annual egg consumption averages around 280 per person. In 2022, around 109.5 billion eggs were...

Pork Industry Pals Try to Torpedo Prop 12

In May, the US Supreme Court upheld California’s ban on certain forms of extreme confinement for farmed animals in California and the in-state sale of eggs and meat from facilities anywhere that use such methods...

Food Label Guide Updated with New Farmed Animal Welfare Labels

More and more consumers are seeking to avoid products from “factory farms”—where animals are kept in abysmal conditions. Such consumers often look for animal-raising claims on packaging labels that purport to indicate higher-welfare conditions. Unfortunately...

Cultivated Chicken

In June, two companies—Upside Foods and Good Meat—were issued groundbreaking grants of inspection by the US Department of Agriculture that cleared the way for “cell-cultivated” (a.k.a. lab-grown) chicken to be produced and sold in the...