
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Sharkwater: Extinction

Humans kill an estimated 100 million sharks every year. Sharkwater: Extinction—the second shark documentary directed and written by the late Rob Stewart—seeks to expose practices that contribute to the cruel and unsustainable slaughter of the...

GE Fish to Hit Market

The Food and Drug Administration recently cleared the way for genetically engineered (GE) salmon to come to market in the United States. Dubbed “AquaAdvantage” and engineered by Massachusetts-based AquaBounty Technologies, the GE salmon is produced...

Bills to Protect Marine Species Advance in Senate

To protect some of the world’s most endangered marine species, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation unanimously approved two bills: the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act (S 877) and the Driftnet Modernization and...

House Committee Follows Correct Course on Right Whales

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Take Reduction Teams—composed of industry leaders, scientists, nongovernmental organizations, and state and federal officials—advise NMFS on reducing harm to marine mammals from fishing gear. In April, the Atlantic Large...

Jo Toole

AWI and the entire conservation community were heartbroken to learn of the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Joanna Toole, a victim of the Ethiopian Airlines flight that crashed on departure from Addis Ababa...

US Government Set to Approve Gray Whale Hunt

In 1999, the Makah Tribe of northwest Washington killed a gray whale, the first killed by the tribe since the late 1920s. The kill was made after the US government obtained a quota from the...

Grim Toll for West Coast Gray Whales

As of mid-May, according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, 48 gray whales had been found dead along the coasts of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. Scientists who examined carcasses think the deaths are likely...

HB Grandi Sheds Whaling Stigma at Seafood Expo

Each year, AWI and allies attend the Seafood Expo Global—the world’s largest seafood trade exposition—in Brussels. Companies from nearly 90 countries are represented, including many with ties to shark finning, fisheries bycatch of endangered and...

Seeking Release for Jailed Whales

AWI has been following the situation involving dozens of wild belugas and orcas captured in the Sea of Okhotsk last summer and held ever since in the so-called “whale jail” in Nakhodka, in Russia’s Far...

CITES Meeting Postponed

It was our intent in this issue of the Quarterly to provide a summary of outcomes from the 18 th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered...