AWI Quarterly Articles | Government/Legal

Please see the below articles about Government/Legal from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Animal Fighting Spectators Support the Savagery

The federal government, in the last few years, has increased coverage of and penalties for animal fighting activities under the Animal Welfare Act, but it is still lacking in one area: the spectator.

Getting Trapped in the System

Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY) reintroduced legislation to end the use of brutal traps on furbearing animals within the National Wildlife Refuge System.

NIH "Anticipates" End to Bad Relationship

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) finally took steps to end the use of Class B dealers by its outside researchers, after years of pressure from Congress and animal welfare organizations and faced with the...

White-Nose Syndrome

As white-nose syndrome (WNS) was confirmed in yet another state - Maine - some Members of Congress were coming to the bats’ rescue.

Tax Dollars for Slaughter Nixed Again

As an additional backstop against resumption of horse slaughter in the U.S., the House has passed an FY 2012 appropriations bill that includes an amendment offered by Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA ) prohibiting the USDA...