AWI Quarterly Articles | Government/Legal

Please see the below articles about Government/Legal from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


New HPA Regulations May Finally Hobble Horse Sorers

A historic win for equine welfare was achieved in May when the US Department of Agriculture finalized long-awaited Horse Protection Act (HPA) regulations to protect Tennessee walking horses from the brutal practice of horse soring—whereby...

Gearing Up for Next Year’s Spending Cycle

For the upcoming fiscal year, beginning October 1, AWI provided members of Congress with a list of priorities covering the welfare of companion animals, farmed animals, marine mammals, and other wildlife. We also submitted testimony...

US Spending Package Delivers Wins for Animals

Narrowly averting a government shutdown, Congress adopted a $460 billion spending package in March that included multiple wins for animals. Among them: prohibiting the US Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services program from using chemical poison...

Animal Welfare Measures in State Legislatures

AWI led efforts to get a bill introduced in the Illinois Senate to ban mink farming in the state. Sponsored by Assistant Majority Leader Linda Holmes, the Mink Facility Disease Prevention Act (SB 3262) recognizes...

Drawing the Curtain on Cetacean Captivity

Science increasingly supports the conclusion that, due to their size and their physiological and social needs, certain cetaceans cannot cope in captivity, where they are kept in small, impoverished environments and often die prematurely. AWI...

Right Whale Recovery Faces Roadblocks in Congress

North Atlantic right whales face grave danger in both the choppy waters off the coast and within the storm-tossed chambers of Congress. As vessel strikes and entanglements continue to take a heavy toll on this...

BLM’s Bumbling Efforts on Birth Control

AWI worked with Reps. Dina Titus (D-NV) and Steve Cohen (D-TN)—two stalwart champions for equine welfare—to denounce the Bureau of Land Management’s reckless plan to round up approximately 20,000 wild horses during fiscal year 2024...

USDA Acquiescence in Cruel Killing Method

Thirty members of Congress sent a bipartisan letter to the US Department of Agriculture in February with pointed questions about the department’s effort to counter the widespread use of ventilation shutdown plus heat (VSD+) to...