In September, more than 100 representatives of equine rescue, sanctuary, and advocacy organizations from across the country met in Washington, DC, for the 2024 Homes for Horses Coalition (HHC) Conference. HHC, co-led by AWI and American Wild Horse Conservation, is dedicated to ending horse slaughter and other forms of equine cruelty. Its 500+ members are working together to strengthen the equine safety net through advocacy, education, and professionalization of care and rescue operations. The three-day conference provided an opportunity for horse rescuers and advocates to build new connections, share ideas, and discuss solutions to pressing equine welfare issues.

Conference sessions covered a variety of topics, including care of traumatized horses, effective advocacy, and the strategies and tools necessary to operate a stable, successful nonprofit rescue—from fundraising and public outreach to strengthening relationships with local law enforcement and avoiding burnout. On the final day of the event, more than 60 equine advocates representing 16 states walked together to Capitol Hill to “talk some horse sense” into Congress. This strong contingent was well-prepared to speak on the issues, as most work on the ground with at-risk equines every day. They conducted over 50 meetings with congressional offices, each a great opportunity to educate members of Congress and their staff on important equine issues and rally support for important equine welfare legislation. HHC members addressed measures to establish a federal ban on the slaughter of American horses here and abroad, stop brutal helicopter roundups of wild horses, strengthen enforcement action against horse soring, end US participation in the cruel trade in donkey skins to create ejiao, and prohibit the unsafe and inhumane use of double-deck trailers to transport horses.
The gathering underscored the collective strength of groups across the country working to protect at-risk equines. AWI is committed to supporting these efforts and providing opportunities like the conference to bolster and empower the equine protection community.