
AWI Quarterly Articles | Animals in Laboratories

Please see the below articles about Animals in Laboratories from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Studies and Snack Breaks

Veterinary technician Evelyn Skoumbourdis and environmental enrichment coordinator Casey Coke Murphy discuss proper feeding of small laboratory mammals Due to their smaller size and handleability, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs and rabbits are widely used in...

A New Beginning for Retired Laboratory Rabbits

Healthy laboratory animals who are no longer needed in research deserve the chance to be rehomed. The practice of rehoming retired laboratory animals is more common with dogs, but other species are also deserving of...

Clarification: Rats Playing Hide-and-Seek

In the last issue of the AWI Quarterly, we reported on a study recently published in the journal Science (Reinhold et al., 2019). In that study, researchers who were examining the neural underpinnings of decision-making...

The EPA Pledges to End Animal Testing

In September, the Environmental Protection Agency announced a plan to reduce and eventually eliminate its reliance on animal testing to assess the danger of chemicals. Currently, the EPA performs, or requires chemical companies to perform...