
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Wildlife Segregated by US Border Policy

The remote borderlands between the United States and Mexico contain vast and beautiful wilderness and include the richest diversity of plant and animal species in North America. Why then, did the US government, under the...

The Cruel Practice of Coyote and Fox “Penning”

Few people have heard of “penning.” This cruel practice involves the live trapping of coyotes and foxes (generally with leghold traps or snares) who are then often shipped and traded across state lines and sold...

Wind Energy Project Modified for Bats

After the precedent setting ruling by a federal court late last year that an industrial wind energy project in West Virginia will kill and injure endangered Indiana bats, AWI and other parties to the lawsuit...

Wildlife Crossings

With the Insurance institute for highway safety reporting a record 1.5 million vehicle strikes against wildlife annually, animals are forced to circumnavigate a daily procession of cars, trucks, SUV’s and more, barreling down highways that...

Territory Expands for California Condors

North America's largest bird has not had an easy go of it, and after a century of absence, a pair of critically endangered birds has made the Pinnacles National Monument a roost to raise their...

New Mexico Town Opposes Cruel Traps

On February 23, the Silver City, NM town council unanimously adopted a resolution calling on the state to ban steel-jaw leghold traps, strangling snares and other painful body-gripping traps on public lands.

Steps Taken To End Snake Trade

On December 11, 2009 the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works approved S. 373, a bill "to include constrictor snakes of the species Python genera as an injurious animal" under the Lacey Act, thus...

Battle to Protect Canada Lynx Continues

At least 47 Canada lynx have been illegally trapped in Maine over the past decade and despite a designation as threatened on the federal endangered species list, a court has declined to accord lynx adequate...

Court Ruling Offers No Relief For Circus Elephants

Nearly one year after the groundbreaking lawsuit for elephant mistreatment brought against Ringling Bros.' parent company Feld Entertainment, Inc. (FEI) went to trial, the US District Court for the District of Columbia has ruled that...