
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Wildlife Trade in Focus at CITES Conference of the Parties

In September 2016, thousands of government delegates, scientists, industry representatives, and conservationists will gather in Johannesburg, South Africa, for the 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP17) to the Convention on International Trade...

Bill Seeks to Ban Interstate Commerce in Cruel Traps

A horrific incident just outside her district, in which a young boy was seriously injured by a Conibear trap, motivated Representative Alma Adams (D-NC) to join Representative Nita Lowey (D-NY) in introducing the Public Safety...

Red Wolf Population Dwindles as USFWS Dithers

Since a victory by AWI and allies in a lawsuit to limit coyote hunting in the red wolf recovery area (see AWI Quarterly , summer 2014 ), the US Fish and Wildlife Service has continued...

AWI Sues Monterey County over Wildlife Services Contract

AWI and allies filed a lawsuit in June challenging the renewal by Monterey County, California, of its contract with the US Department of Agriculture’s deadly Wildlife Services program. The lawsuit asserts that the renewal of...

Florida Bear Hunt Suspended

Florida’s black bears get a one year reprieve from hunting after the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted 4-3 to suspend hunts while it gathered more information about bear populations in the state. Last...

Red Wolf Revival

Red Wolf Revival made its debut in Washington, DC, on February 22 at the Carnegie Institution for Science, followed by a panel of speakers that included filmmaker Roshan Patel and representatives from AWI, Defenders of...

Heart of a Lion

Heart of a Lion chronicles the true life, against-all-odds odyssey of a mountain lion over 2,000 miles from the Black Hills of South Dakota to the tony town of Greenwich, Connecticut. Though we know the...

Bobcat Hunting Nixed in New Hampshire

When the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (NHFGD) proposed a bobcat hunting and trapping season to open in the spring, AWI and allies analyzed the proposal and pointed out its deficiencies. We also called...