
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Seeking to Restore ESA Regulations

In June, the Biden administration proposed regulations aimed at restoring Endangered Species Act implementing regulations that were weakened in 2019 under the prior administration. Those rollbacks curtailed protections afforded to threatened species, allowed consideration of...

Settlement Secures Red Wolf Conservation

For more than a decade, the legal advocacy of AWI and allies has helped ensure the continued existence of red wolves in the wild. This year, that work culminated in a historic settlement with the...

Weaken or Widen ESA Protections? Congress Weighs In

The Endangered Species Act continues to face attacks in Congress. There are bills to prohibit the listing of species not native to the United States, to allow the government to delist species regardless of recovery...

Celebrating 50 Years of the ESA

The Endangered Species Act was signed into law in December 1973 to prevent the extinction of wildlife both at home and abroad. Fifty years later, it remains one of the strongest and most effective conservation...

Flight Paths

When Rebecca Heisman worked for the American Ornithological Society, her job involved reading “cutting-edge migration research” and publicizing it in a digestible way for the public. She sought to provide readers with the answer to...

Biodiversity Declines Worse than Previously Thought

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species is a valuable database containing information on species status, population trends, and threats. While it has its flaws—including some out-of-date species assessments...

AWI Sues BLM over Wild Horse Management

AWI is suing the Bureau of Land Management after the agency finalized a management plan to eliminate millions of acres of federally designated habitat for wild horses in Wyoming. The suit was filed in the...

Combatting Wildlife Trafficking in Africa

Each year, millions of wild animals, including imperiled species, fall victim to an illegal wildlife trade with an annual estimated value between $7 billion and $20 billion. Wildlife trafficking causes population declines and results in...

New York to Outlaw Wildlife Killing Contests

After years of work by a coalition of advocacy groups, including AWI, the New York legislature passed a bill in June to ban wildlife killing contests, with certain exceptions, including contests involving white-tailed deer, turkey...