In the Name of Sharks

François Sarano (author), Stephen Muecke (translator) / Polity / 261 pages

Dr. François Sarano’s In the Name of Sharks uses powerful language, suspense, and tension to evoke a visceral response from readers and deepen their empathy for sharks. The author laments the media’s role in misrepresenting the animals as nothing more than killing machines, even though so much of their lives is unknown to us. Sarano isn’t just a scientist who reads about sharks from afar; he has swum alongside them. His affection for sharks is obvious in his vivid descriptions that transport the reader into the ocean’s depths.

These independent fish with distinct personalities are deserving of our protection. At a time when overfishing poses a serious threat to the ocean’s biodiversity, a quarter of all shark and ray species are listed as threatened or endangered. This book delivers more than a simple message about sharks and their role in maintaining delicately balanced ecosystems; it calls attention to how the planet and human health are inextricably linked. 

Sharks offer a window into the past, before humans began exploiting the oceans. Protecting some of the Earth’s most ancient creatures reminds us where we came from. Sarano’s frequent use of photography, diagrams, and pop culture references inspires raw emotion, without human prejudice or misconceptions. Ultimately, the reader is left with a seed of hope amid the global biodiversity crisis. This book isn’t just about sharks; it’s about how we can overcome our fears of the unknown. It’s about understanding the “other” and forging connections across species.

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