
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Facing the Facts on Mexico’s Vaquita Protection Failures

In September, AWI—on behalf of a coalition that includes the Center for Biological Diversity, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Environmental Investigation Agency—provided a “detailed submission” to the Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC) regarding Mexico’s failure...

Anthropogenic Impacts of Ecotourism on Antillean Manatees

Poorly managed wildlife tourism poses major threats to the survival of endangered species globally. For marine mammals, chronically high levels of boat-based tourism can disrupt behaviors and have other negative impacts contributing to potential population...

Stubborn Whalers Take to Sea Despite Sinking Demand

The start of summer 2024 signaled a fitful continuation of the commercial whaling still conducted by three nations: Iceland, Norway, and Japan. Two years ago, Iceland killed 148 fin whales, despite having no domestic market...

Exploring Limited Options for Barataria Bay Dolphins

A US government workshop was held in late August to discuss options for intervention on behalf of the bottlenose dolphins in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, once a project designed to restore coastal wetlands in the Gulf...

Latest Vaquita Survey Paints Grim Picture

In May, two research vessels embarked on a survey in Mexico’s Upper Gulf of California, searching for evidence of the world’s rarest marine mammal, the tiny vaquita porpoise. Scientists conducted visual searches and deployed 34...