Pierre, P. J., Sullivan, J., Rosga, M. et al. 2018. Long term behavioral and clinical outcomes for nursery reared macaques. American Journal of Primatology 80(S1), 70 (40th Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists Scientific Program, Abstract #96).

Nursery rearing (NR) as an experimental manipulation has informed our understanding of the basic bio‐behavioral mechanisms of development. Nursery rearing also occurs for clinical support of infants that fail to thrive or are rejected by their mothers. Early experimental studies developed NR methods that provided for early infant psychological needs through supportive environments; however, variation occurs in aspects of rearing depending on need, purpose and facility. Therefore, in order to inform and improve current practices, it is necessary to assess how NR may modify long‐term health and behavioral outcomes for the animals. We reviewed data from NR animals at the WNPRC over the last five years. The purpose of this study was to compare nursery animals to mother reared counterparts from the same birth cohort on measures previously described in the literature as potential precursors of untoward outcomes. Demographic variables will include: the reason the animal was placed in the nursery, along with duration of their stay and handling while in the nursery. Long‐term outcome variables include: social history, number of housing changes, reports of abnormal behavior and incidence of diarrhea. Together these data will inform general care practices, future strategies and decision making for nursery animals that have been identified in previous studies as ‘at risk’ for social deficits and abnormal behavior. Supported by P51OD011106.
