Gisler, D. B., Benson, R. E., Young, R. J. 1960. Colony husbandry of research monkeys. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 85, 758-568.

The first problem encountered when dealing with the monkey is restraint. Monkeys over three years of age develop large canine teeth that make them more aggressive and, consequently, more dangerous and difficult to restrain. Two well-trained handlers can usually control one of these animals. .... For the larger, more difficult-to-handle monkey, the squeeze cage is used. The monkey is forced against a sliding door and the appendages are made available for parenteral injections. ... The use of nets to restrain the monkey is a safe procedure, but it is a slow and cumbersome process. ... The rhesus monkey is extremely nervous and energetic and is difficult to house. Unquestionable, animals involved in experiments should be housed in individual cages.
