Reinhardt, V. 1980. Untersuchung Zum Sozialverhalten Des Rindes - Eine Zweijahrige Beobachtung an Einer Halb-Wilden Rinderhede (Bos Indicus) [Investigations on the Social Behaviour of Cattle - A Two-Year-Observation of a Half-Wild Cattle Herd (Bos Indicus); German Text With English Summary]. Birkhauser Verlag, Boston, MA.

The social behavior of a semi-wild cattle herd was described and analysed covering a 2-year observation period. In cattle husbandry, livestock should be only kept in such systems that meet the species-specific social needs of the animals, e.g., enough room, freedom of interaction with other herd members and as for as possible a constant composition of the herd.

Animal Type