
Smith-Langridge, R. 2024, April. Comparing the use of enrichment items by cattle in a high containment facility. Animal Technology and Welfare 23(1), 41–43.

Interacting with environmental enrichment can reduce morbidity, agression and stereotypic behaviours improving both animal welfare and scientific data output. High containment facilities are limited on space, do not have natural scenery, the cattle are kept...

Olsen, H. E., Vogel, K. D., Creutzinger, K. C. 2024. Use of a calving blind that imitates a natural environment. Animals 14(8), 1171.

Many indoor-housed cows isolate at calving when given the opportunity, and calving behaviors vary by blind and pen design. The objectives of this study were to determine if cows preferred calving in a visibly separated...

Lenner, Á., Papp, Z. L., Szabó, C. et al. 2024. Calming Hungarian grey cattle in headlocks using processed nasal vocalization of a mother cow. Animals 14(1), 135.

Sound analysis is an important field of research for improving precision livestock farming systems. If the information carried by livestock sounds is interpreted correctly, it could be used to improve management and welfare assessment in...

Crump, A., Jenkins, K., Bethell, E. J. et al. 2024. Pasture access and eye temperature in dairy cows. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 27(2), 234–242.

Pasture access can benefit dairy cows’ behavior, health, and welfare, but herds are increasingly housed indoors full-time. Recent infrared thermal-imaging (thermography) studies suggest that higher eye temperatures may be a physiological indicator of chronic stress...