Reinhardt, V. , Dodsworth, R. 1989. Facilitated socialization of previously singly caged adult rhesus macaques (videotape with accompanying text). Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center. Available on loan from Animal Care Audio-Visual Materials, WRPRC, 1220 Capitol Court, Madison, WI 53715, USA, Madison, WI.

Thirty scenes depict different adult rhesus monkeys [and one adult, male stump-tailed macaque], each paired with a compatible companion for up to two years. The following pair combinations and research situations are shown: adult male/male, adult female/female, adult male/juvenile male, adult female/juvenile female; experiments requiring headcap implants, tethering, or in-home cage blood collection. Presenting for in-homecage injection. Paired companions interact with each other in various species-typical ways (e.g., grooming, huddling, mounting, playing, yielding, sharing food) and make use of perches and gnawing sticks. Representing an every-changing, yet predictable stimulus, a compatible companion does not lose its boredom-reducing value over time.
