Olivo, D. 2012. The benefits of adding a little color to a monkey's environment. Enrichment Record 10, 7.

Imagine if your everyday world was boring, blah and completely sterile looking with limited amounts of color. Unimaginable, right? Here at Legacy Schering Plough/Merck, we thought the same about our nonhuman primates who look at the same bland walls each day. We wanted to “jazz it up a bit” for them, allowing them to enjoy an infusion of color in their day, especially knowing NHPs see and appreciate color, unlike many other lab animals. Although there are numerous other forms of enrichment (TVs, radios, toys, etc.) provided daily for the monkeys, there is something to be said for the “happy feeling” you get when you look around and see a multitude of color bursts surrounding you. Positive stimulation which comes from mural paintings and colored landscapes benefit the nonhuman primates, as well as those individuals who work in the rooms.
