Gehlot, P. 2013. Enrichment of Göttingen Minipigs: Models of human hepatocellular carcinoma. Newsletter Ellegaard 40, 4-5.

Social or pair-housing is our main form of swine enrichment. The minipigs are group-housed in stalls that have sliding divider doors/panel which allow separation of animals for feeding and study procedures, as needed. Ideally, enrichment is designed to draw out behaviours that would be exhibited in nature (i.e., rooting for pigs). Toys that can be pushed around, chewed on, or dug into appear to be used frequently and occupy the time of the minipigs, and appear to facilitate rooting and other natural behaviours. However, with continued exposure, a loss of interest in toys has been noticed. Manipulanda should be rotated regularly to maintain the animal’s interest and natural behaviour. Candy corn is used as a reward for weighing, receiving an injection, or being picked up or restrained. Medication in powder or pill form is drizzled with honey or hidden in yoghurt to encourage intake. Husbandry and veterinary interactions with the animals have been improved with the use of these toys and food itmes.

Animal Type